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Understanding Intermittent Claudication & Complications

A pain you feel when your leg muscles don’t get enough blood while you exercise is Claudication. It’s also called intermittent claudication. Take Coumadin for effective treatments with intermittent claudication.

It’s a sign of atherosclerosis. This means plaque has built up in the arteries in your legs and is causing blockages. This makes it difficult for blood to pass through.

It can be a severe health risk. If it’s in your legs, you also can have it in your heart. So, it's important to see your doctor immediately.


Peripheral artery disease is the most usual cause of claudication. This happens when your arteries, especially the ones in your legs, are narrowed or blocked because of plaque build-up.

Other conditions that can cause claudication include a bulging artery (aneurysm) in your belly or leg, damaged nerve. It also includes an arrowed spinal canal. Buy Coumadin to treat Claudication.


While exercising, when your muscles require blood, intermittent claudication can cause problems including cramping, numbness, pain, tingling, and weakness. You feel these symptoms usually in your legs, from your feet up to your buttocks. It goes away when you stop moving.


Even when you’re not exercising you might feel pain in your legs. Cuts and sores on your legs might not heal like they should if you have PAD. You might get gangrene if they become infected. That could result in you losing a leg.


Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, lifestyle, family history. Few tests can figure out whether you have intermittent claudication.

Ankle-brachial index (ABI) is a test comparing the blood pressure in your ankle with the blood pressure in your arm.

Ultrasound test bounces sound waves off your red blood cells to find out how fast the blood is moving in your vessels and in what direction.

Other imaging tests is an MRA or CTA scan can give your doctor a picture of your blood vessels to show whether there's a blockage and, if so, how big. Doctors will prescribe you Coumadin to treat claudication.

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