Intermittent Claudication is pain induced by very little blood flow to muscles while performing an exercise. Frequently this pain develops in the legs after walking at a certain pace and for a limited time depending on the severity of the condition. Coumadin is an effective medication that lowers this pain and let you perform exercise freely.
This condition is also known as claudication due to the pain usually not constant. This starts during exercise and ends with rest. As the condition worsens, however, the pain may occur during rest. It is technically a symptom of a disorder, most often peripheral artery disease, which is a narrowing of arteries in the limbs that stops the blood flow.
The treatment for the condition focuses on lowering the risks of vascular disease, decreasing pain, increasing mobility, and preventing damage to tissues.
Most common signs and symptoms of Claudication are mentioned below:
This condition refers to muscle pain occurs due to lack of oxygen which triggered by activity and relieved by rest. There are as following:
Pain, ache, discomfort or fatigue in muscles during exercise, pain in the calves, thighs, buttocks, hips or feet, pain in shoulders, biceps, and forearms, and pain that gets better soon after resting. This pain might become more severe over time. This may even start to induce pain at rest. Coumadin shall be taken when one of these signs experienced by you. Take this tablet as prescribed by the doctor.
There are some risk factors as mentioned below;
Smoking, High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Obesity, Diabetes, Chronic kidney disease, Age older than 70 years, Age older than 50 years if you also smoke or have diabetes, a family history of atherosclerosis, or peripheral artery disease or claudication.
Preventive Measures:
It is always better to take precautions rather than wait for the condition to develop in you. The following are some preventive measures to avoid this condition. One of the best ways to prevent claudication is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and control medical conditions. Quit smoking if you smoke frequently, exercise regularly, consume a healthy, well-balanced diet, maintain a healthy weight, in case of diabetes, keep the blood sugar in good control, and keep cholesterol as well as blood pressure within normal values. Keep medication Coumadin with you in case you feel near symptoms.