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Healthy Future Is in Your Hand!

Writer's picture: topmedstoretopmedstore

National Hand Washing Awareness Week reminds everyone to be vigilant about hand-washing, especially this time of year due to cold and flu season! It is an alarm to get hygienic and to promote awareness of good hand hygiene. Hand with germs can cause some infections including Bacterial Infection. Post-infection, it is necessary to treat infections with proper medications.

Observance Of The Day

Make it routine to wash the hand several times a day, and make aware your loved ones to spared happiness but not the germs! More you aware people about hand washing, safer from illnesses you’ll all be!

Exercising hand hygiene is a simple yet effective way to protect yourself from infections. Clean hand can prevent the spread of germs, counting those that are resistant to antibiotics and are becoming difficult to treat. Healthcare professionals clean their hand less than half of the time they should. Hand is one of the most common modes of transmission of pathogens, and hand hygiene remains the most important infection prevention measure.

National Hand Washing Awareness week approaches in the winter season to spread awareness. It gives call-to-action for each healthcare professionals to promote awareness of good hand hygiene. It is necessary to provide staff and people with key messages to encourage hand washing in a proper way and at appropriate times.

Unclean hand easily causes Bacterial Infection. This infection has effective solution i.e. antibiotic medicines. Amoxicillin is a penicillin antibiotic that kills the infectious bacteria in the body and restricts further growth. It is sold under the popular brand name Amoxil manufactured by Dr. Reddy’s pharmaceuticals. You can order this antibiotic at exciting offers from TopMedStore, a trustworthy online pharmacy.

It is time to get hygienic and make people hygienic! Setting a habit of good hand hygiene is an easy, effective way to prevent infections and sicknesses. Those who choose to skip the hand washing once in a while need to understand that 80% of communicable diseases are caused due to poor hygiene of hand. Think again next time before skipping hand washing!

Lather Hand With Soap Before You Load Food!

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